
Showing posts from July 27, 2007

Rapaki Cliff Cave

Here is the small cave at Rapaki, again, almost an afterthought. I seemed to be more worried about sand in my nice new field camera,updating the Graflex I bought for fifty dollars, twenty years ago in California. Annie likes the image, but I am not so sure it really refects my thoughts at the time.

The Spirit in the Place

I was wondering around today, feeling as if the exercise of image making was pointless today. I saw a tide cave in Rapaki, Taking my time, enjoying the spirit of the place, and the stillness, set the camera up. Finally with an image of the cave and pausing to inspecting the rocks, the tide slowly moving across the sand, I hear a shout. An older Gentleman is running over the sand and breathlessly asks if I own a Toyota that is stuck. I say no I own a Saab, he says," do you own a Toyota"? I realise he is deaf, and shout, “No I own a Saab”. The man looks disappointed and sits on the sand breathing hard and says, “Oh no point in running here then”. He looks at the Camera, and asks if I am making a study. That’s a great way to ask, I think. I answer yes, smile and say, “making pictures old fashioned way", meaning the 5x4 camera and taking my time. The man smiles at that. He sits and shouts, “Hey what’s that in the water”? and points. I look around expecting a dead seal or sim...

Marks of Man

This image is a bit obvious for me with my working title. Makes think of an old tutor of mine, Martin Parr, yes when he was broke and not famous he came down to my Art School and showed us his work, and his Nikonos for the wet weather pictures. Even sold us a few books, of course we all thought he was great, though still as posh as ever. I have no idea why, I guess it just made me think of him. Nikonos, now there’s a good name, better then Digital Rebel, gives me a lisp, digital wrebbel. Nikonos reminds me of that old kids program "Stingray".

North Westerlies

Well this was a hard day, we had a North Westerly. In the South Island this means heavy head, heavy air. I went out in pain, was really disappointed with the ground glass screen. As much as Edward Western must have been excited by the screen, in his diaries. It was hard to see in my new Toyo view. The scanning back didn't like its connection to my Laptop. I was wondering what a Colonial photographer would have made of the view. Got home feeling as if the trip was a waste. Then I took a look and thought it was not half bad, with all those scanner patterns in the water. I had in mind Wynn Bullocks water images from the 1940', so was not sure even if it would work in colour. The other picture was a surprise too, even with the soft background.