A pictorialist upset me

OK OK I am a "New Pictorialist", but this one said a picture was not real, so I found the location in google earth and posted it. NA NAnannanna This is the original, 400mm lens from Mt John. Hand held, balance on a rock. 5D2 with a 200 mm lens and a 2x converter, so manual focus. bright light from the sun low in the sky, with colour through a gap in the background. The great thing about Mt John is a cafe on the summit to warm you up. Owned by a photographer. For the Google image see the image below. Looks like I tilted the image (hence the angle of the trees and the hill). I do that quite a lot as I have very poor eyesight in my right eye, but I still use it sometimes out of habit. Here is the Google earth screen shot, you can see the latitude and Longitude if you click on the image for the bigger version.