
Showing posts from December 16, 2011

Professional profile Jody Kingzett

By Jo Plumridge is a British photographer and writer. She specializes in portrait photography, and writes photographic, travel and comedy articles and books. View her work at: Professional profile Jody Kingzett Jody Kingzett is a London based commercial and PR photographer whose personal and commissioned work combine to make a varied and creative body of work. Working with a number of social and environmentally-themed organizations, as well covering celebrity assignments, Jody has photographed a wide segment of English society. A keen amateur shooter while studying biology and neuroscience at Edinburgh University, he worked briefly for a start-up company before realizing that life in an office was not for him. Leaving his formal training behind, he paid his dues the old fashioned way - as an assistant to wedding, music and fashion photographers. He soon started to take on freelance work of his own. His big break into PR photography came about when...