I had almost forgotten how good a black and white print feels.

I made this print tonight, felt like I had got my 5x4 out. The Image was made with a point and shoot. with some dodging and burning. The point and shoot is 20 mega-pixels and gives me raw files, my latest purchase from Sony an RX100. I had to be very careful with the exposure as it is very hard to get a sharp capture. I am a bit worried about diffraction after f8. Very small dials with cold fingers, felt a bit silly with a tiny camera on a big tripod. A very wet day, near the summit road After that I made this Time lapse two hours in the cold, I put my coat on the camera to keep it dry. Four thousand exposures later and a print based action in Photoshop batch processed. I want a still image with a hint of time and a video with a hint of stillness.