Book celebrates love of New Zealand’s native plants

New Zealanders talk about their love of native plants Politicians, artists, academics, farmers, business people - growing numbers of New Zealanders are committed to a passionate love affair with native plants. This collection of 44 personal narratives is sumptuously illustrated by photographs by John Maillard, who travelled from Invercargill to Auckland to bring to life contributors’ garden stories. Contributors include Peri Drysdale, Jeanette Fitzsimons, Tim Shadbolt, Steven Tindall, and a host of conservationists and gardeners esteemed in their locales. A richly illustrated celebration of New Zealanders and their passion for native plants has been published by Canterbury University Press. Living with Natives, edited by Professor Ian Spellerberg from Lincoln University and Napier-based environmental and planning consultant Michele Frey, is a collection of 44 moving and informative narratives by people of all ages and from all walks of life who talk about their love of, and experienc...