
Showing posts from July, 2010

Interview on Plains FM

I was interviewed about my work on Plains FM, I was a bit of a mumbler, but survived. Click to play below. MP3 download

Hoteo North Hall

Even though Halls and rural communities have been neglected in New Zealand in preference to the growing cities. There are still individuals and groups who are keeping the community halls going, despite the odds against them.


I had to boost the iso to get the picture of the hall, as we got there just in time for the last light. Huia and her grandson were waiting for us. We drove about seven hundred kilometers on that day between halls.

Dot from Tutira Hall

This is Dot. She is the author of the chapter from Tutira Hall.

Ian Bussel

Portrait of Ian Bussel from Colleton hall. One of the few remaining New Zealanders who continues the tradition of Community halls in New Zealand. Many of these halls have died due to changes in the social fabric of New Zealand life. If it wasn't for individuals like Ian these places would had gone years ago.

Amazon is selling my book, but I didn't sell them any copies

So amazon is selling copies of my book. Even though they haven't bought any copies from me or informed me that they are for sale. So some thief has printed off a few test books I made in LULU and are flogging them off. Makes me sad that these #$#@$ can get away with this. I paid for that book to be published, it is a small sample of photographs I made over twenty years, And of course I have only sold a few, but its the principle of the thing that gets me. Amazon you are a cheap stealer of others creative effort. If you want a copy please buy it from me. preview here, incidentally my signed copies are cheaper too.

New Print Shop is up

A much simpler print shop is now up on my site A simplified version of the last, and I couldn't help change the layout a bit. I have to say Coffee Cup software is really great simple and easy to use for a duffer like me. I bought some adwords from google and was amazed at the outcome, 500 from one country that I suspect dont buy photographic prints. Soon learning to point the adds correctly and get a better hit for the cent. I am also proud to learn that I have earned 48 cents from the adds on my blog, fame and fortune at last. the only problem with the shop is its inability to show my logo thumbnail well, these little things drive me crazy till i fix them. Check it out at