
Showing posts from August, 2013

What if

What if I could be photographed with my father in 1979, and yet be photographed with my daughter and son at the same time. Behind us could be my grandfathers and their grandfathers, the same with my grandmothers. We could all sit together and share a meal after the photographer has photographed himself.

Ritualistic boundaries, fences, ditch and causeways.

The transition from hunting to farming was most likely managed and executed by women, who discovered that fences protected the crops. This is a true social and cultural change of a magnitude that hasn’t occurred since. Hunting and gathering, to land ownership and crop production for survival, the intervention of spirituality and religion to help, encourage, grow food and build society. The role of magical/spiritual ceremonial landmarks, fences, causeways that would mark the growth of food and the cycle of the seasons. The birth of astrology and astronomy to catalog and understand the turn of time. The use of lines, ditches and causeways to change the fundamental understanding of the world, the ownership and delegation of land and the symbolic use of a boundary. All of these things were inhabited by spirits and gods. Our understanding of the world was profoundly different, we cannot imaging that world, as we have almost no historical context. ...