
Showing posts from August 24, 2010

Look what happens when Developers think beyond money.

Even though I was brought up in cramped English housing estates, and have a horror of seeing the neigbours eating dinner through the bedroom window. I would live here. A little bit of native planting and landscape design makes all the difference.

A water Garden without water

We got a nice cup of coffee here for our troubles, not like the last place on our road trip, we visited. I don't like being referred to, "As the Photographer". There are a lot of non creative, cash oriented people out there, who think the notion of operator as photographer, gives them the right, to treat photographers as mere collectors of images that are fixed with Photoshop.

A wet day to photograph a roundabout

Yes I had a fun time dodging in and out of motorists as I photographed an intersection, as if it was as interesting as Lauren Bacall. No time to set up the tripod before a school bus flattens you to the blacktop. Some times its very hard to be creative, but I enjoyed the shapes and forms here.