New arrivals, off the boat after weeks and months on the rough seas.

Port Lyttelton. Passengers by the "Cressy" landing.
From a drawing by Wm. Fox Esqr. Etched by T. Allom
Here is an Arcadian dream in a lithograph.
A man dressed immaculately and his wife, modest and matronly,
covered with children, the oldestboy struggling up the hill
with baggage, to populate the new Colony.
They have just stepped off the boat in conditions most modern
Kiwis would never tolerate.
Shaking hands with a town official in a most formal way in
their new land. I have to admit, it seems exciting and honest in way
lost to most of us new immigrants and those already
here in New Zealand.
Though hang on if the place is so new, why have the trees have
already been cut down and the stumps removed.
This is the second clearance, after the great hunting fires.
Camp Bay seems deserted though it was a hospital for those who
suffered most in the crossing, most died there too.
The buildings though few, are grand even the cottages seem prosperous,
they offer the promise of wealth to those who wish to emigrate.
This is a recruiting poster for the hard working skilled man.
I have read that there were so many skilled men,
they could not be all employed, many, lawyers, bankers
even doctors spent a few years as gum diggers on the North Island.
So here we have gentle new Zealand welcoming the
over population from the mother country,
Pack my bags, I want to emigrate.
Of course like all advertising the reality didn't match the
brief, not quite. I am sure the adventure made up for it.