
Showing posts from 2009

A Great write up from the Press

Thanks to Chris Moore for a review of my work.

New Exhibition

If you can get to my new exhibition that would be great, especially if you buy a print. Its at the COCA. Chris Moore from the Press gave me a great write up. I hope the article goes on line, if it does, it will be here:-

I Guess I am a Remodernist or Stuckist?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (for those morons who don't think a Wiki has value). Remodernism full manifesto here ( Remodernism is a term promulgated by Billy Childish and Charles Thomson, in an attempt to introduce a period of new spirituality into art, culture and society to replace Postmodernism, which they accused of being spiritually bankrupt and cynical. Its premise is that the potential of the Modernist vision has not been fulfilled, that its development has been in the wrong direction and that this vision needs to be reclaimed, redefined and redeveloped. It advocates the search for truth, knowledge and meaning, and challenges formalism. The ideas were announced in a manifesto "Remodernism". Manifesto The Remodernism manifesto was published by the Stuckists art group (founded by Thomson and Childish to promote vision, authenticity and self-expression through painting). It is dated March 1, 2000 and subtitled "toward...

Tracey Emin on drink and art

A pictorialist upset me

OK OK I am a "New Pictorialist", but this one said a picture was not real, so I found the location in google earth and posted it. NA NAnannanna This is the original, 400mm lens from Mt John. Hand held, balance on a rock. 5D2 with a 200 mm lens and a 2x converter, so manual focus. bright light from the sun low in the sky, with colour through a gap in the background. The great thing about Mt John is a cafe on the summit to warm you up. Owned by a photographer. For the Google image see the image below. Looks like I tilted the image (hence the angle of the trees and the hill). I do that quite a lot as I have very poor eyesight in my right eye, but I still use it sometimes out of habit. Here is the Google earth screen shot, you can see the latitude and Longitude if you click on the image for the bigger version.

Fathers day

Twas fathers day, happy fathers day Dad.

Please please let me win lotto

My head is spinning, why do places of further education, give you so much paper work the moment you are about to leave for holiday. For the rest of the year you are ignored, then they realise, that as a tutor you might be useful after all. I mean I have students who really need my attention at the end of the semester, so why do I have to do data entry for a timetable not happening till 2010? Any competent PC or mac user could do this. Hey I am allowed to moan now and then.

Now I know why Dogs can walk on Two Legs

First Light over Lake Elizabeth, Mackenzie Basin It was so cold, the dogs almost took the keys off me to get back into the truck.

Uku-Ali and a Picture

Lake Tepako, from Mt John, very early and cold.

Up at four Am to get a picture, I must be mad.

Moon and Star, Tepako at about 7:00. Just a test but looks like I might have a project here.

This Photographic World

The problem with landscape photography, in my case anyway, is the notion, that pretty much anybody who buys a camera and is a bit tired of photographing their relatives, their friends, Glamor?? or any other subjects, which when we face up to it are the real reasons why we have cameras. Down the list comes landscape, Sontag said it was a way of proving you were there. I'm quite insecure about the process of making a landscape. You would have thought, that with the number of people who make landscapes, for example at that somehow there is a living to be made from these beautiful interpretations of the landscape from around the world. What is it that makes us want to climb hills and photograph the sunset. I have my personal answer to that, I'm not sure if it's about photography. It's about my freedom, in a world where even though we live in a democratic country, freedom is a myth. So I try to find my freedoms within my photography. Other people find their fre...

The Wet Plate Collodion Process

on looking looking for the correct spelling of "The Wet Plate Collodion Process", I came across this. Enjoy.

New High-Bandwidth Folio, online, take a peek!

Image Put up my new high-bandwidth web site tonight. Its a flash site that needs Euro connections to work well, not unfortunately available here in New Zealand. One day we will get there. I am quite pleased with my Nerdynus, but I see this as the only way to promote my work, as we have not a penny or a cent to rub together. I am just pleased I dont have to buy film anymore. No more film makes photography at last a true art to be enjoyed by all. A sort of photographic Socialism, I am sure this was Kodak's original intention. I am frankly pleased to see the end of all those film photo money snobs....AHHH being replaced by digital snobs, and the "Photography is not real anymore, fanatics". I am just glad we are not making a transition from Wet Collodion to gelatin glass plates.

Flash AS3 Scroller and Picture Gallery that loads files direct from a folder

I have been looking for a scrolling gallery for a long time, and had no luck. So I got my nerds hat out and made my own. The scroller scrolls, of course. The gallery loads JPG's for the main images and thumbs for the thumbs. To use the gallery requires no flash skills. You just rename the files you want the gallery to load. It even has a fade transition to make the jpg load look a bit better. I am working on the timer class to see if I can get it to auto load images and run the images without clicking on the thumbs. Any help gratefully received. If any one wants a copy drop me a line. You can see the scroller at:-

Location revisit


An Apple of my Eye


Most expensive photographs

1) Richard Prince, untitled Sold for $3,401,000 2) Andreas Gursky, “99 Cent II Diptych” Sold for $3,340,456 3) Edward Steichen, “The Pond-Moonlight” Sold for $2,928,000 4) Andreas Gursky “99 Cent II Diptychon” Sold for $2,480,000 5) Alfred Stieglitz “Georgia O'keeffe (Hands)” Sold for $1,472,000 6) Alfred Stieglitz “Georgia O'Keeffe (Nude) Sold for $1,360,000 7) Richard Prince “Anonymous (Cowboy)” Sold for $1,248,000 8) Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey “Athènes, Temple de Jupiter" Sold for $922,488 9) Gustave Le Gray, “The Great Wave, Sete” Sold for $838,000 10) Robert Mapplethorpe, “Andy Warhol” Sold for $643,200 11) Ansel Adams “Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico” Sold for $609,600 12) Andreas Gursky “Untitled 5” Sold for $559,724 from

Five Minutes with Richard dawkins

Yes I know, playing around a bit here. Reminds me a bit of a science fiction book cover. I could even have an alien ship in the foreground. Any constructive feed back welcome. Is this over the top? Photographers have been playing with images since the medium has been invented. Here is a pink version my daughter likes. I did this mad tree too:-