Reframing the land

Currently I am working on Rural landscape

My overall aim is to produce a body of photographic work,
which represents an alternative to the widely published views of New Zealand as a ‘scenic wonderland.’
These by and large hark back to the traditions of the sublime in Western art and
are more often than not designed to conjure up notions of a New Zealand as an
unspoiled wilderness. I want to use my photographic practice, as well as my personal
experiences of specific New Zealand places, to produce an alternative canon of
New Zealand landscape photography which i consider beautiful.
 This will include an acknowledgement of the link
between a place and the community, which lives there.

Flood due poor drainage on a development in the port hills

I am interested in fractal design in the landscape. Working from the idea that there
is no longer a nature that is unchanged from its natural form by humanity, the form
has been manipulated by humanity to conform to a pattern.

We have forgotten, that we are from nature too, and seem to think we are separate
and immune from the environmental effects that change nature.
We are nature but not natural, a self-vision of what we see in the dark mirror.

Submerged land and flooding from earthquake damaged road

We are the effect on nature that slews the balance, the aesthetic that we seek is, our
self-image, in our homemade natural environment.
We some how strive to keep the world natural but in the process we pollute, change, improve our notion of natural.

Footpaths are created in a park to protect the ecosystem, but the footpath creates a new system.
Thousands walk on the path and leave a ghost of change, that effects in some small way the environment.


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